Collection: S-5! Mini Clamps

S-5!® mini clamps attach to the metal roof panel seam by the tightening of one “bullet-nosed” stainless steel setscrew against the seam material. The setscrew compress the seam material against the opposite wall of the clamp. Threaded holes in the clamp  enable the easy attachment of various ancillary items to the clamps.

S-5! Mini clamps no longer include the top bolt as a standard item.

You can now purchase mini clamps with no bolt, or with one of three bolt options: 16mm (5/8″), 20mm (7/8″) and 40mm (1-9/16″)

S-5 Mini clamps are the superior choice for mounting solar modules, solar racking systems, signs, satellite dishes and other products, but are also used with some of our high performance snow retention systems, like DualGard and X-Gard.

S-5! mini clamps should never be used with ColorGard snow retention systems. For this application use regular S-5 seam clamps.